
  Lakeview Capital LLC can help Discover how many $$ are waiting for you.

Remember if you've received a letter, message, or telephone call from our firm.....

"it's because we have located funds we believe belong to you."

Unclaimed bankruptcy refunds may be new to you, but they have been around for years.

Recovery of unclaimed bankruptcy funds has been part of the financial industry for years.  We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about the recovery of those funds in the section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there any upfront costs?

    That’s a good question and the answer is NO.

    Our primary focus is helping people who have been unable to collect their money from the government case.

    There are massive amounts of ongoing governmental audits, filing claims, legal opinion letters, and more that we work through to help you recover your money.

    None of this costs you anything upfront and we only only receive a portion of the money that we recover for you AFTER all the work is done.

  • How soon can I get my unclaimed funds?

    It depends. If there is unclaimd bankruptcy funds available, it typically takes between 30-60 days to process a claim with some in rare instances taking 90 days. We work as quickly as possible and keep you notified throughout the process.

  • How do I know this is real?

    We will never ask for any money from you.

    You will be signing actual court documents that will be used to process your case.

    We can provide you with our Certificate Of Good Standing form the Secretary of 

    State, our  Limited Liability Corporation operatiang agreement, and our State Registraion of Ficticous Name upon your reqeust.

  • Where do the funds come from?

    Unclaimed funds in bankruptcy are held by a federal court for someone who is entitled to the money, but who has failed to claim ownership of the funds.

    Unclaimed funds may arise out of a variety of circumstances in bankruptcy cases, such as:

    Incorrect address for the recipient

    Uncashed distribution checks

    Death of intended recipient

Our professional team is here to help you with any questions or concerns. Learn more about your rights and requirements.

Bankruptcy claims are complicated. We strive to simplify the process so you have less stress and worries.

Contact us
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