
Lakeview Capital LLC Tax

Foreclosure Overages

Tax Foreclosure Overage refunds are real and we are here to help you file a claim with the courts to get your money back - all with NO upfront cost.

We make the process simple

If our organization has contacted you, it's because we believe that we have found money that belongs to you or a relative.  We can help you get it back.

Our team works to discover where there is an unpaid balance in the form of a Tax Foreclosure Overage refund waiting to be claimed  and takes the necessary steps to recover it for our client.

We are experts in recovering

Tax Foreclosure Overages!

How We Do Business

We deal with our claimants and

government agencies with fairness and respect.  We follow all local, municipal, State and Federal laws, statues and guidelines when conducting business.  We protect client confidentially.

Our recovery professionals will handle your case and keep you abreast of every step from start to finish.

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